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Estimated Breeding Values

What are EBVs?

Estimated Breeding Values are the figure given to individual animals as a potential parent for genetic traits. They contribute 50% of the final value for their offspring.

EBVs are determined based on a set of physical measurements undertaken on property, then correlated to the exact age of that animal compared to it's own peergroup. This gives an indication as to how well it's offspring will perform in that given trait.

Data from the animal's siblings, sire and dam are also used to increase accuracy and predictability of the given trait.

What is measured at Telemon?

  • Scrotal Size

  • 200d Weight

  • 400d Weight

  • 600d Weight

  • Mature Cow Weight

  • Some Calf Birthweights


If buyers require, we are also happy to investigate carcass quality scanning EBVs such as Eye Muscle Area, Rump and Rib Fat, and Intramuscular Fat %.

Are EBVs Important?

Although EBVs should never be the only criteria considered when selecting seed stock, they can be a really useful tool to quickly make genetic progress in a herd.
Of course the animal must stack up physically against the data, and be a structurally sound type with proven pedigree. However, EBVs can be used as an extra tool in the commercial cattleman's belt.
For example
- Live export producers might select for animals with a higher 600d weight EBV to influence their herd
- A commercial breeder operation may select for bulls with higher Scrotal Size to positively impact fertility in his herd
- Vealer operations may place more value on a 200d weight EBV to ensure the best ADG on their calves

How do I interpret EBVs?

EBVs have been collected at Telemon for several years now, and all the data collates to continuously increase the accuracy provided for each individual animal. 


All our EBV data is available on the Droughtmaster Website; simply type Telemon at the start of the name box, then go down and select trait values that are important to you (breed averages are on the right side of the column).

A list of animals suitable to your needs will then be presented, with accuracy % denoted underneath. Of course we also send all our data to buyers each year, and are more than happy to help explain figures or put you in touch with experts in the field to help. 

Yearling Bulls
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