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Physical Criteria
As a foundation stud, Telemon strives to uphold the Standard of Excellence set by the Droughtmaster Breed Society.
We aim to breed medium boned, easy fleshing animals with a strong topline and tidy underline. We select for good body length, well sprung ribs, wide pinbones and free walking animals. Hoof integrity and leg structure are paramount, with unwanted shape and length being culled against.
Coat integrity is important, with natural parasite resistance being selected for. Without compromising sheath structure, we select for pliable hides and a sleek coat. Although we test for homozygous polls within our stud, we do retain outstanding animals that carry the horn gene as these tend to balance the phenotype we are looking for.
Udder and teat conformation are important; we look for well formed udders to indicate maternal performance, and evenly placed tidy teats. Testicles must be straight, evenly sized and adhering to minimum circumference according to body weight.
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